Nothing is Impossible!
Losing weight is a challenge. Surviving to run a weight loss program (whether by way of dieting or exercising), it's another challenge again.Consider the experience of our cover star this time, Olivia Ward and Hannah Curlee, brothers Biggest Loser winner. Their struggle to trim the fat can be an inspiration to us - Olivia managed to remove the fat as much as 65 kg and 60 kg weight dropped Hannah. Listen falling-up their efforts to have healthy habits and how to counteract the temptation to snack or lazy to exercise. In essence, if we have the determination is not one thing in this world is impossible. Come on, steal the secret of success Olivia and Hannah expel fat on page 15.
Unyielding spirit and always think positive was also able to "heal" those who are convicted of a chronic disease. Yuniko Deviana, Chairman of the Cancer Informations & Support Center (CISC) is also a cancer survivor who also share the spirit of his life for us all, on page 83. So, if you are still not strong now 5K run, do not despair! Keep running, go ahead! Similarly, if you can not smell the knee, the body is still stiff when joined a yoga class, do not stop! Pull on and Flex your muscles! Sick? Certainly. But remember, it's all that will make you healthier, fitter and will make you become more resilient.
Santi Sierra, Editor-in-Chief