Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Investors betting scramble Startups topnotch [ SWA Magazine Okt- Nov 2011 ]

Hundreds of Billions are poured.
Money Can They multiply and Birth Digitalpreneur World Class?
Incubation How Effective?

Millions of dollars of local funds and foreign investors ready to inject hundreds of digital start-ups in the country. Required a specific approach for managing start-ups in order to continue to grow and develop, and attract investors. What should be done? Seheboh what investors that bet and how they secure their investment? Who are they? Let us learn from those that exist and managed to rake in more investors. All shelled out and discussed thoroughly in the SWA is only the latest!

"The phenomenon of Cak Dul"
Entering the 2010s, Indonesia experienced a second wave of dotcom business boom. About 300 local start-ups also appear.
How can they not falling like 10 years ago and gave birth to more new millionaires?

"Beyond Rate Talent Management Adira"
Brilliance of their performance can not be separated from its ability to manage and maintain the availability of topnotch employees. How is management?

"Herbal Proof Existed Mentjos Three Generations"
Among connoisseurs of herbal medicine in Jakarta, JBM is not a new name. Store this medicine has been around since the 1950s. "My grandmother started this herbal medicine business in Solo in the 1940s, then moved to Jakarta," said Romuli, Horatius Romuli close calls.

"Ways of Foreign Higher Education Local Deal"
Competition among graduates in the country and abroad increasingly fierce. It seems that graduate certificate overseas universities simply can not be fit to tread the career card. Still others need ammunition for a successful career. What ammunition?



"Competition is fierce Business Cleanser"
Aka Battle antarpemain facial foam facial cleanser more exciting. Understandably, the market value of these businesses to reach Rp 2 trillion. How do the players fight?


"Kelvin: Looking for Livelihoods of Stock Trading"
After leaving the restaurant business, he focused trade shares as a primary source of income. Although never lose hundreds of millions, now billions of rupiah value of transactions per month.


"Faber-Castell Choosing Become Big Fish in Small Swimming"
Doing Ordinary Things, extraordinarily well. That is the principle that until now the guidelines Faber-Castell in running the business, production processes, marketing, even in terms of treating employees.

Marlene Elaine
Ie Am Ardhini
Pradita Astarina
Rahman Effendy
R. Ari Sudradjat

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